We do not need to be cured.
We need to be healed.
Healed from the grief
and despair
of all that has been lost.
But mostly we need to heal
into hope
into believing
that what is to come
can be better.
To heal
we must give up privilege
but refuse to release it
to those who use their
white privilege
to spew hate.
We must use
whatever privilege we have
to end privilege.
To heal from fear
our souls need
the balm of forgiveness
even though
there is much
we may not yet
be able to forgive.
We need to be healed
from the betrayal
of our nation
and our neighbors.
Healed from the betrayal of
those who choose
alienation and hatred,
over values
we once sought to share.
We need to heal
from despair.
into hope.
Hope empowers
us to make change
and to love our neighbors,
seeming enemies, all.
The balm we seek
may be the balm we reject.
Love, the life-giving intention
for all creation,
doesn’t fuel our fear.
Love casts out
the fear to act
to stand
to speak
to keep on keeping on.
Love is the balm that heals us.
Damn it.
Needed to hear that. I got to choose to live in hope in love no matters what happens in this racist cruel world. Help me and us lord