Dear Friends… stand up

Dear Friends,

Well, there’s 19 days to go before the election
and we are holding our collective breath.
It looks good but we must persist.
Vote early if you can.
I worry about disrupters at the polls on Election Day.
Make sure your friends are voting.
Offer rides.
Take water to those waiting in line.
Phone bank.
Now is the time to stand up
to do all we can however we can wherever we can.

It cannot be said too often:
this is the most important election of our lifetimes.
Be a hero for our time.
Do the best you can with what you have and who you are.

Together, let us stand
to make a country that insists on justice
and relies on science
a country that celebrates differences
protects the weak
frees children
fights systemic racism and sexism
feeds the hungry
a country where we tell ourselves difficult truths

Now is the time
if ever there was one.
Stand up.


5 thoughts on “Dear Friends… stand up

  1. We are standing STRONG with you all out here in Vancouver, WA and Portland, OR!! ✊?✊?✊?❤️❤️❤️
    Sending much love your all’s way!! Stay safe!!

  2. Great Post!! So, so true! Julie and I voted the first day -we were in and out in 25 minutes, even though the line had about 40 people in front of us when we joined the line. VERY efficient poll workers! Very efficient system to actually vote.

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