The Book, the Party, the People

It was a wonderful night!
Thank you to all who came out to celebrate with me!
Thank you to all who were there in spirit!

After eight (count ’em) years of working on my memoir it is time to celebrate!
So bring on the music – O Happy Day, Sing Lo-Sing O Sophia, and Ain’t Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me ‘Round, sung and led by three talented singers and a phenomenal pianist.  We celebrated diversity and connectivity.  Being interviewed by Imam Trina Jackson was enlightening and fun. (I love her so much!)
Celebrating at my alma mater, Agnes Scott, brought special joy, as did working with Tina Pippin (Religious Studies) and Kate Colussey-Estes (chaplain of the college). The college has come so far since I was there with their now profound commitment to diversity and inclusion!

And then there were all the friends who provided the ‘pot luck’ reception of extremely excellent food- both savory and sweet. And those who stayed to party.

After two weeks of wrestling a severe case of the flu topped by bronchitis I was able to step out and share stories of blessing and struggle. What was profound was the gathering of people who care, the sharing of food and life, and the hope for the future as people continue to stand against all that dehumanizes in the name of Godde.

13 thoughts on “The Book, the Party, the People

  1. Congratulations, Connie. So well deserved! I’m honored that you were part of the 2011 Memphis Creative Nonfiction Workshop, and that we’ve stayed in touch all these years as we’ve both worked to get our souls on the page and the pages out in the publishing world! KUDOS!!!

  2. So effing excited for you and everyone within your aura!

    For over a week now I have been tethered to my bed in the ICU step-down unit–for what some people euphemistically refer to as bronchitis, just found out last year really means–for me–severe COPD. Here with spreading lung infection of some kind. Now much much much much better! Dame Julian is sitting on my avocado vinyl sofa across from the bed knitting and smiling slightly and occasionally poking me with one of her knitting needles. My BFF.
    Again, I’m so happy for and proud of you!

    1. Thank you, Suzanne, for all the love and support you have given me over time! I hope you feel much better soon and find patience for the long haul of healing. You are in my prayers.

  3. Amen and amen. Beautiful and important book – a milestone for you Connie, and I believe a milestone for many readers. Great music, food and wonderful, amazing people. Mazeltov!

  4. Congratulations, Connie, and much, much love to you! Truly wish I could have been there for you. Many blessings!

  5. Know your mama was smiling down and we were singing along though not in the same room! What a maker event in your life. Blessings and continue to soak in the joy!

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